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President Rogers hosts a virtual celebration for Spring 2020 graduates. The event was live streamed from the Stroh Center and includes video messages from the Chair of the Board of Trustees, prominent BGSU Alumni, a 4 Year in Review video and a virtual musical performance.
President Rodney Rogers and Provost Joe Whitehead host a virtual celebration for fall 2020 graduates. The event was live streamed from the quadrangle in front of University Hall and includes video messages from the Chair of the Board of Trustees, prominent BGSU Alumni, a 4 Year in Review video and a virtual musical performance.
Learn about the creative ways plants and animals adapt to their environments to survive - against predators and harsh environments -in an hour-long BGSU Biology Lab Tour: Extreme Adaptations.This interactive tour features Bowling Green State University faculty and students who will take you inside the BGSU greenhouse and herpetology and marine biology labs, to learn about these amazing plants and animals. Herpetologist Dr. Eileen Underwood, Horticulturalist Joe Baker, Extreme Environments Biologist Dr. Erin McMullin, Marine Biologist Dr.Michael McKay and Biology Instructor Matt Partin are presenters. Anyone can view this tour, but teachers and students in grades 7 -12 will be able to interact with and email or call in questions to be answered by BGSU faculty during this virtual tour. This hour-long presentation relates to Ohio academic content standards and is funded in part by a grant from the Northwest Ohio Center of Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education. Optional pre- and post-event activities will be provided by BGSU and may be facilitated by participating teachers.
Dedicated in 1967, the Jerome Library stands 115 feet tall with a capacity of 640,000 books and documents. The prominent untitled artwork on the east and west sides was designed by Donald Drumm and refurbished in 1996. Today, the library's collections include more than 5 million volumes of print, photographic, and electronic media.
This virtual town hall was open to all students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents and families and friends. President Rogers and Provost Whitehead provided updates regarding the University's COVID-19 actions and plans and will answer your questions.